Ornamental Grasses

Low maintenance and attractive year-round, perennial ornamental grasses are a popular choice in the landscape. There is a type of grass for almost any location or use, and most selections on the market are NOT invasive. All ornamental grasses should be cut back to 1” above ground level by early spring each year, before new growth emerges.

Blue Fescue
(Festuca glauca)
- Dwarf tufts of steel-blue foliage (12” height)
- Great for edging borders or for rock gardens
- Grows well in any average garden soil; drought tolerant when established
- Full sun; hardy to zone 3

Blue Oat Grass
(Helictotrichon sempervirens)
- Mid-height (3 feet) clumps of graceful, steel-blue foliage
- Airy, tan flower spikes appear in summer
- Tolerates drought once established
- Full sun; hardy to zone 3

Feather Reed Grass
(Calamagrostis spp.)
- Tall, narrow clumps of graceful foliage (4-5 feet; can be variegated)
- Purplish, wheat-like flower spikes emerge in summer, maturing to tan
- Versatile grass prefers moist, well-drained soil but tolerates drought once established
- Full sun to light shade; hardy to zone 3

Flame Grass or Maiden Grass
(Miscanthus spp.)
- Very tall grasses (5-6 feet) with thick foliage which turns red/purple in fall
- Gorgeous plumes of white or pink flowers in late summer; hardier alternative to pampas grass
- Prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established
- Full sun to light shade; hardy to zone 4-5 (depending on variety)

Little Bluestem
(Schizachyrium scoparium)
- Prairie native species with pale blue foliage that turns deep purple in late summer/fall
- Medium sized clumps reaching 3 feet tall
- Excellent for drier locations
- Full sun; hardy to zone 3

Moor Grass
(Molinia spp.)
- Clumps of arching foliage which can be variegated
- Some varieties (‘Skyracer’) produce very tall plumes of flowers in late summer (6 feet)
- Ideal for damp locations; prefers fertile, moist soil
- Full sun to part shade; hardy to zone 3-4 (depending on variety)

(Carex spp.)
- Not a true grass; a wetland plant with shorter clumps of grassy foliage (12-24”)
- Ideal for moist to wet areas; tolerates drier soil with some shade
- Many varieties have colourful foliage
- Full sun to part shade; hardy to zone 3-5 (depending on variety)

Switch Grass
(Panicum virgatum)
- Prairie native grass, valued for its deep red late season colour
- Slowly spreading sod former reaching about 4 feet tall
- Drought tolerant once established; grows well in poor soil
- Full sun; hardy to zone 3-4 (depending on variety)

Tufted Hair Grass
(Deschampsia caespitosa)
- Native grass with very fine-textured foliage and a moderate height (2-3 feet)
- Grows well in poor soil; drought tolerant once established
- Feathery flowers appear in summer; bronze fall colour
- Full sun; hardy to zone 2