
In May and June, Greenland’s ™ amazing medley of annual plants includes thousands of geraniums, Proven Winners pot fillers and a bounty of trailing plants grown by our greenhouse experts. We combine this with quality plants from local growers to bring you traditional favourites and unique introductions you won’t find anywhere else. Our selection changes daily, visit early for best selection.

Instant Colour!
Hanging baskets and containers add instant colour to your yard, patio or entrance. Designed and planted at Greenland™, you’ll find planters for sunny or shady areas that are ready to go!

Outstanding Selection
Visit our greenhouse for an outstanding selection of annual plants in all sizes – 6 packs ($5.99), 4” pots and 1 gallon. Select your own flowers, trailing foliage plants and ornamental grasses to create beautiful combinations of colour all summer long.