Cacti & Succulents

These low-maintenance plants will add colour and character to your indoor space with minimal care. Grow them in individual pots, or group them together in mixed planters to express your creative side.
In general, cacti and succulents require as much direct sunlight as you can give them, so a south or west-facing window is ideal, with minimal or no shading. If plants are showing stretched growth, they are not receiving enough light. Plants grown in lower light can be supplemented with artificial lighting, full-spectrum LEDs are ideal.
The easiest way to kill a cactus or succulent is to overwater it! When in doubt, don’t water! During the summer, pots should be allowed to completely dry between watering, then water thoroughly. During the winter, when water needs are minimal, plants should be watered very sparingly.
For best growth and flowering, fertilize your cacti and succulents regularly during the growing season – from March to October. Schultz Cactus Fertilizer (2-7-7) or 15-30-15 can be used every 2 weeks. During the winter months, fertilizer is not needed.
Most cacti and succulents grown as houseplants thrive at the same temperatures we do. However, many types will flower better if cooler temperatures are provided in the winter – down to 10-15°C can be tolerated with no issue. Placing plants closer to cool windows will aid with this. Keep in mind that the lower the temperature, the drier the soil should be kept.
These plants also love to spend the summer outdoors, just be sure to gradually introduce them to direct sunlight and outdoor temperatures, and inspect carefully for insects when bringing them in for the winter.
Repot into fresh soil every 3-5 years or as plants outgrow their pots. These plants generally grow and flower best when rootbound, and should never be overpotted to avoid rot. Choose the smallest pot possible. Clay pots are ideal, but plastic and ceramic pots work as well. Using containers with drainage holes is strongly recommended.
Pro-Mix Cactus Soil can be used; often it is a good idea to add extra drainage material such as perlite, pumice or lava rock, as these plants love gritty soil that is sharply-drained.