Repairing Dog Damage

Having lush, green grass can be a challenge if you have a dog. Their urine causes unsightly yellow spots and can eventually kill patches of grass. Here are some tips on preventing and repairing patchwork grass:

1. As a preventative measure, sprinkle area frequently visited by your pet with Salt Stopper. This granular product can be applied by hand or with a fertilizer spreader. Salt Stopper helps absorb damaging salts in pet urine.
2. If the damage is already apparent, rake up the dead grass as much as possible. Sprinkle with Salt Stopper and water area well. Cover the patch with a light layer of soil, apply grass seed, then cover seed with a light layer of soil. Repaired patches must be lightly watered daily (twice in hot, dry weather) for germination within two to three weeks.

3. For easy lawn repair, choose an all in one solution. Revive and Thrive contains 50% compost, 20% seed and 30% organic fertilizer to promote new grass growth in bare spots. Unlike other lawn patch repairs, this formulation contains a blend of turf that will fill in fast plus is hardy for Alberta. Revive and Thrive contains almost twice the seed of other patch repair products.
4. If you’re in a rush, the dead patch can be cut out and resodded. Greenland sells pieces of sod that you can cut to fit the patches. Water daily and within one week your lawn will look much better.