New & Featured Perennials for 2024

'Princess Leia' Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans)
Bugleweed is an often-overlooked groundcover for shady areas. Short spikes of deep blue flowers in spring attract pollinators, while the mats of colourful foliage look great all season. This new variety sports crinkled tri-coloured leaves with contrasting shades of deep green, mint-green, and white. It’s heat tolerant, so it will do as well in the sun as it does in the shade.
- Short spikes of deep blue flowers in spring to early summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a low mat of tri-coloured foliage.
- Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; shade to sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 10-15cm (4-6 in.) Sp. 25-30cm (10-12 in.) Zone 3

'Silver Lining' Sagebrush (Artemisia sp.)
This is a new hybrid involving native species of sagebrush. It has a similar tidy mounding habit to the ever-popular silver mound sage, but with the texture of ‘Valerie Finnis’. Unlike silver mound, it is unlikely to open up later in summer; and unlike ‘Valerie Finnis’, it won’t take over your yard with underground runners. The pale-yellow flowers can be cut off if desired. A fantastic choice for hot, dry, sunny areas with poor soil.
- Forms a dome-shaped mound of divided, powdery silver foliage.
- Nondescript yellow flowers on tall stems in summer.
- Poor to average, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established. Sun.
- Deer and rabbit resistant.
- 30-40cm (12-16 in.) (without flowers) Sp. 80-90cm (32-36 in.) Zone 3

'Grape Escape' False Indigo (Baptisia sp.)
Yet another gorgeous addition to the selection of false indigos on the market. Spires of lupine-like reddish purple and cream bicolour flowers in summer are followed by attractive rattling seedheads. It forms a pleasing tidy mound of pea-like foliage and it’s a carefree plant that thrives in dry, poor soil.
- Spires of lupine-like, reddish purple and cream bicoloured flowers in summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a tidy mound of pea-like foliage.
- Average to poor, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established. Sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 100-120cm (40-48 in.) Sp. 80-95cm (32-38 in.) Zone 3

'Sungleam' Delphinium (Delphinium elatum)
We are close to having a solid yellow delphinium with this exciting variety, which has tall, full spikes of pale yellow-white blooms. This will make a real impact at the back of a sunny border, and the blooms will attract pollinators. Easy to grow and reliable, plus a gorgeous cut flower!
- Tall spikes of pale yellow-white flowers in summer.
- Forms a large upright clump of divided foliage; may require support.
- Average to fertile, moist, well-drained soil; full sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 1.5-1.8m (5-6 ft.) Sp. 45-60cm (18-24 in.) Zone 3

Constant Beauty Series Pinks (Dianthus sp.)
An exciting new series of double-flowered Dianthus, hardy to zone 3! These are available in several colours, including ‘Crush Orange’ (pictured) and ‘Crush Cherry’. Masses of fragrant flowers continuously bloom starting in late spring and going all summer long, atop a dense mound of evergreen, blue-green foliage. Ideal for sunny borders or rock gardens with well-drained soil.
- Masses of fragrant double flowers available in several colours starting in late spring, continuously blooming all summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a low, dense mound of evergreen, blue-green foliage.
- Average, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established. Sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 15-25cm (6-10 in.) Sp. 25-30cm (10-12 in.) Zone 3

Kismet Pink Lemonade Coneflower (Echinacea sp.)
The Kismet series has been one of our favourite recent introductions of coneflowers, with thick crowns and excellent branching which ensure superior overwinter reliability and better blooming performance compared to most other modern coneflower varieties. This newest addition to the lineup has pink blooms which are edged in greenish yellow. A compact grower which looks great in the middle to front of a border and will attract pollinators over its long blooming period. Coneflowers must be planted in coarse, well-drained soil and do not tolerate heavy clay or waterlogged soil.
- Daisy-like, pink flowers edged in greenish yellow, with a raised central cone in late summer to fall.
- Forms a compact clump of medium green foliage.
- Average to sandy, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established; full sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 45cm (18 in.) Sp. 30cm (12 in.) Zone 4(3)

'Pumpkin Orange' Avens (Geum coccineum)
Avens are seldom planted perennials that offer some real flower power and are easy to grow. This new selection has stunning tangerine-orange, pom-pom-like flowers that repeat bloom from early summer to fall and attract pollinators. A compact grower that will set the front of your border on fire!
- Pom-pom-shaped, tangerine-orange flowers from early summer to fall on relatively short stems.
- Forms a compact clump of corrugated leaves.
- Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; sun to part shade.
- Deer resistant.
- 40-50cm (16-20 in.) Sp. 30cm (12 in.) Zone 3

'Blazing Returns' Daylily (Hemerocallis sp.)
This reblooming daylily produces masses of eye-popping fire engine red flowers over an extended period in summer. The clump of grassy foliage looks attractive in the landscape all season long. Daylilies are valued for their ease of growth and reliability, thriving in any average garden soil without much fuss.
- Lily-like, fire engine red flowers in summer; reblooming.
- Forms a tidy clump of grassy foliage.
- Average, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established.
- Rabbit resistant.
- 65cm (26 in.) Sp. 45-60cm (18-24 in.) Zone 3

'Mini Skirt' Hosta (Hosta sp.)
2024 American Hosta Growers Association Hosta of the Year. This miniature hosta is perfect for edging borders or for a shady rock garden. Forms a dwarf clump of wavy, waxy, blue leaves with creamy margins. Pale mauve, lily-like flowers appear on short scapes in summer. Hostas are probably the easiest and most reliable perennials for shady areas.
- Lily-like, pale mauve flowers on short scapes in summer.
- Forms a dwarf clump of wavy, waxy, blue leaves with creamy margins.
- Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; shade.
- 10-15cm (4-6 in.) Sp. 30cm (12 in.) Zone 2

'Colonel Mustard' Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)
Siberian irises are one of the best landscape perennials because they are versatile, reliable, and their tidy, upright clumps of grassy foliage look great all season even when out of bloom. They are even suitable for waterside planting! Over the last few years, we have had some really outstanding varieties come to market with colours not previously seen in this type of Iris. This unusual one has mustard-yellow falls and creamy-white standards that are tinged blue at the base.
- Flowers with mustard-yellow falls and creamy-white, blue-tinged standards in early summer.
- Forms an upright clump of grassy foliage.
- Average soil; tolerates wet soil; drought tolerant once established.
- Deer and rabbit resistant.
- 60-90cm (2-3 ft.) Sp. 45-60cm (18-24 in.) Zone 2

'Viva la Vida' AO Lily (Lilium sp.)
AO lilies are hybrids that combine the best traits of both Asiatic and Oriental lilies. They have the large flowers and fragrance of Oriental lilies, with the winter hardiness and vigour of Asiatic lilies. This new variety is a real stunner with sunset red blooms that are edged in yellow. It has tall, sturdy stems that are clothed in narrow leaves and makes an excellent cut flower, while attracting pollinators to your garden.
- Large sunset red flowers with yellow edges in summer.
- Forms a clump of tall, sturdy stems clothed in narrow leaves.
- Cool, moist, fertile, well-drained soil; full sun.
- 90-120cm (3-4 ft.) Sp. 30cm (12 in.) Zone 3

'Chartreuse on the Loose' Catmint (Nepeta sp.)
Catmint is one of our favourite perennials because it is incredibly easy to grow, reliable, drought tolerant, and is an absolute magnet for pollinators with its extremely long bloom period. This is one of the most exciting new varieties to be introduced! Low, compact clumps of bright chartreuse-yellow foliage contrast with violet-blue flowers that repeat bloom all summer. This is a must-have for the front of a border!
- Masses of violet-blue flowers all summer.
- Forms a low, compact clump of aromatic, chartreuse-yellow foliage.
- Average to poor, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established.
- Deer and rabbit resistant.
- 20-25cm (8-10 in.) Sp. 50-60cm (20-24 in.) Zone 3

'Waggon Wheel' Bluemat Beardtongue (Penstemon caespitosus)
This PlantSelect introduction is a selection of a woody groundcover type of beardtongue found in the southern Rockies. It forms a mat of tiny evergreen leaves and produces loads of tubular blue flowers in early summer. Excellent for xeriscape, rock gardens and alpine gardens.
- Tubular blue flowers in early summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a low mat of evergreen foliage.
- Average to poor, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established. Sun.
- Deer resistant.
- 2-5cm (1-2 in.) Sp. 30-35cm (12-14 in.) Zone 4(3)

'GoldiPhlox Cherry' Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata)
A fantastic new variety with a dense habit that will be absolutely loaded with intense cherry-pink, fragrant flowers in spring! Moss phlox is one of the best groundcovers, forming a mat of evergreen needle-like foliage. Does well in hot, dry locations and rock gardens.
- Masses of fragrant cherry-pink flowers in spring to early summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a mat of evergreen needle-like foliage.
- Average, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established. Sun.
- 10-15cm (4-6 in.) Sp. 60cm (24 in.) Zone 3

'Jeana' Summer Phlox (Phlox paniculata) - 2024 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year
Perennial Plant Association Perennial Plant of the Year 2024. Summer phlox are a favourite for their fragrant, hydrangea-like clusters of flowers that grace our gardens for much of the summer. This is an exceptionally tall variety which reblooms, making for an extended bloom period. The large clusters of lilac-pink flowers are much-loved by bees and butterflies and make a beautiful cut flower.
- Large clusters of fragrant, lilac-pink flowers on tall stems in midsummer to fall.
- Forms a tall, upright, and sturdy clump of mildew-resistant foliage.
- Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; full sun.
- 90-120cm (3-4 ft.) Sp. 60cm (2 ft.) Zone 3

'Raspberry Frost' Lungwort (Pulmonaria sp.)
Lungwort is such a pretty plant for a shady area, and this new variety packs a real colour punch. It forms a low clump of narrow grey-green leaves, covered in silver spots and with silver edges, giving the appearance of leaves covered in frost. Clusters of intense raspberry-pink flowers contrast with the foliage in spring. Easy to grow!
- Clusters of intense raspberry-pink flowers in spring to early summer; attracts pollinators.
- Forms a low clump of grey-green leaves, covered in silver spots and edged in silver.
- Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Shade.
- Deer resistant.
- 25cm (10 in.) Sp. 45cm (18 in.) Zone 3