Hardy Roses
June 19, 2022
Why spend money on a bouquet when you can enjoy gorgeous roses all summer with your own shrubs? These selections are rugged choices that are reliable performers in Alberta, and they’re in stock at Greenland now! Plant in a sunny location, amend your soil with plenty of Sea Soil, and keep well-watered until established. Roses prefer fertile, moist, well-drained soil.
Bill Reid
- Part of the Canadian Artist Series, which are all hardy to zone 3
- Semi-double golden-yellow blooms all summer
- Disease resistant
- Compact growth habit, 3 ft. tall x 2.5 ft. wide
Emily Carr
- Part of the Canadian Artist Series, which are all hardy to zone 3
- Semi-double ruby-red flowers all summer
- Disease resistant
- Compact growth habit, 4-4.5 ft. tall x 3-3.5 ft. wide
Winnipeg Parks
- Another classic from Morden, Manitoba, hardy to zone 2
-Semi-double, glowing pink blooms all summer
-Copper new growth and reddish fall colour
-Compact growth habit, 2 ft. tall x 2 ft. wide
Explorer Series
- A line of hardy roses named after famous explorers, such as John Cabot, William Baffin, and John Franklin
-Semi-double blooms in shades of pink or red (depending on variety) are produced in great profusion all summer
-Disease resistant and hardy to zone 3
-Mature height ranges from 4 ft. to 10 ft., depending on variety