Bob & Joe's Tropical Plant Picks
February 21, 2021

Cast Iron Plant (aspidistra elatior)
- Aptly named houseplant that is very easy to grow
- Excellent for beginners and “brown thumbs”
- Upright, deep green foliage; slow-growing, clumping habit
- Tolerates low light, low humidity and low water
- Grow on the dry side

Haworthia (Haworthia spp.)
- One of the easiest succulents to grow
- Highly collectible – many different forms including “window plants”
- Compact and slow-growing
- Prefer bright light with some direct sun; do not need as much light as many succulents
- Grow in sharply-drained soil; allow to completely dry between watering

Hoya (Hoya spp.)
- These tropical vines are all the rage right now!
- Many different species and cultivars, with varying leaf forms and colours
- Most produce clusters of intensely fragrant flowers
- Need bright light, but avoid hot sun
- Bloom best when rootbound and slightly underfed
- Grow in sharply-drained soil and allow to dry between watering

'Lickety Split' Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)
- A robust, easily grown, lush foliage plant
- Large, deeply divided, glossy foliage
- Bright, indirect light
- Allow to approach dryness between watering
- Benefits from misting during the winter

'Silver Sword' Philodendron
(philodendron hastatum)
- A beautiful and sought-after collectors’ plant, as easy to grow as any Philodendron
- Broadly sword-shaped, silvery-grey, glossy foliage
- Bright, indirect light
- Allow to approach dryness between watering
- Benefits from misting during the winter

Pothos (Epipremnum and Scindapsus spp.)
- Currently the most popular group of houseplants
- Climbing or trailing foliage plants
- Epipremnum varieties are most often green, gold or variegated (examples: Jade, Neon, Pearls n’ Jade, Marble Queen, Hawaiian)
- Scindapsus varieties have silver-splashed foliage (examples: Exotica, Argyraeus, Silvery Ann)
- Very easy to grow and forgiving
- Prefer bright, indirect light; tolerant of lower light
- Allow to approach dryness between watering; when in doubt, don’t water