New & Featured Perennials for 2022

‘Pleasant Pheasant’ Bugleweed (Ajuga sp.)
A new entry to the Feathered Friends series of bugleweeds, which debuted in 2021. This line introduced some incredible new colours to the genus, which allow for spectacular groundcover displays in shady areas. Plant with darker-leaved plants such as ‘Obsidian’ coralbells for a really dramatic effect.
Coppery-pink new growth which matures to bright yellow; semi-evergreen
Short spikes of deep blue flowers in spring, contrasting with the foliage
Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; best colour is achieved with a few hours of morning sun
Ht. 10-15cm Sp. 45cm Zone 3

‘String Theory’ Blue Star (Amsonia sp.)
Blue star is an underused perennial which offers 3-season interest in the garden. These plants have pretty blue flowers early in the season, attractive foliage on neat and tidy plants in the summer, and lovely fall colour, plus they are easy to grow and winter hardy. ‘String Theory’ is a new, more compact variety.
Clusters of starry pale blue flowers in early summer
Wispy, willow-like foliage turns gold in fall
Sun to part shade; tolerates poor soil
Ht. 45-55cm Sp. 80-90cm Zone 3

‘Woodside Strain’ Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)
An unusual variety of a classic perennial, this has divided yellow foliage that is irregularly splashed with green, giving it interest outside of the bloom period. The spurred flowers appear in late spring to early summer and are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Deadhead to extend the bloom period.
Flowers can be blue, violet, pink, or white, depending on the plant (seedlings will have mixed flower colours).
Somewhat short-lived; allow to re-seed every 2-3 years
Sun to part shade; average, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 60cm Sp. 30-45cm Zone 3

SunFern Series Russian Wormwood (Artemisia gmelinii)
If you are looking for a perennial fern that will grow well in a sunny, dry location with poor soil, well, these are not true ferns but they sure look the part! Not only will these perform well in tough spots in the garden, they will also look great in annual planters. We expect them to be fully hardy in our climate based on their parentage. Also animal resistant!
Clumps of aromatic, ferny, deep green foliage persist all season
Does not produce notable flowers
Sun; average to poor, well-drained soil; drought tolerant once established
Ht. 45cm Sp. 45cm Zone 3-4

‘Honey Roasted’ False Indigo (Baptisia sp.)
Despite a relatively short bloom period, false indigo remains one of our favourite perennials for its reliability, tolerance of dry, poor soil, resistance to animals such as deer, and aesthetically pleasing growth habit. ‘Honey Roasted’ has an unusual colour combination of gold and copper. Also new this year is ‘Burgundy Blast’.
Spikes of pea-like, bicoloured gold and copper flowers in summer, followed by interesting seedheads
Upright, bushy growth habit
Sun to part shade; average to poor, well-drained soil; drought-tolerant once established
Ht. 90-100cm Sp. 100-120cm Zone 3

‘Stand by Me Lavender’ Clematis (Clematis sp.)
This new variety joins ‘Stand by Me’ with a new colour. It’s a rambling Clematis, meaning it does not attach itself to supports, and needs to either be tied to a support or simply allowed to grow along the ground. Plants will reach a certain height before they start to ramble. Cut back to ground level before growth starts in spring.
Masses of lantern-shaped, light lavender-purple flowers in summer; reblooming
Attractive fluffy seedheads
Sun to part shade; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 85-95cm Sp. 60-90cm Zone 3

‘Red Lark’ Delphinium (Delphinium elatum)
The first red-flowered Delphinium to be released in about 15 years, this is an exciting introduction. A compact grower that should not need support, and otherwise will grow the same and be just as hardy as other Delphinium varieties.
Spikes of coral-red flowers in summer
Tidy, compact clumps of divided foliage
Sun; average to fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 60cm Sp. 45-60cm Zone 3

ROCK Series Pinks (Dianthus sp.)
A new series of compact, mound-forming pinks. The needle-like, evergreen foliage will be almost covered with scented flowers during the peak bloom period in late spring to early summer. These are excellent for rock gardens or the edge of borders, and will tolerate heat and drought once established.
Available in ‘Purple’, ‘Ruby’, ‘Violet’, and ‘White’
Forms a low mound
Full sun and average, well-drained soil; will not tolerate waterlogged soil
Ht. 10-15cm Sp. 25-30cm Zone 4

BERRIED TREASURE Series Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)
These new strawberries offer both ornamental appeal and delicious fruit in the same plant. Semi-double flowers precede sweet and juicy berries all season long. Works great as a perennial groundcover in the garden, or it can be grown as an annual in a container.
Available with either red or pink flowers (both have red fruit)
Trailing growth habit; everbearing variety
Sun; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 20-30cm Sp. 45-60cm Zone 3

‘Golden Alexander’ Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
This is an ornamental selection of our native wild strawberry, which has bright chartreuse-yellow foliage. A hardy and excellent groundcover for sun or shade that has the added bonus of sweet berries produced all season!
White flowers precede small, sweet, red berries
Trailing growth habit; everbearing variety
Sun to part shade; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 10-20cm Sp. 30-45cm Zone 2

‘First Blush’ Hosta (Hosta sp.)
New to Greenland, this is the first-ever red-leaved Hosta. The foliage emerges with a red blush, and later matures to solid green. A great feature of the spring garden, a conversation piece, and a must-have for Hosta collectors!
Clumps of red-tinged foliage mature to solid green later in summer
Lily-like flowers in summer
Shade; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 30cm Sp. 60cm Zone 3

‘Silly String’ Hosta (Hosta sp.)
If you are familiar with ‘Curly Fries’ Hosta, this is essentially a blue version. Sure to be a hit with Hosta fans!
Low clumps of long, narrow, blue leaves with wavy edges
Lily-like, mauve flowers in summer
Shade; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 35cm Sp. 70cm Zone 3

‘Sonoma YeDo’ Itoh Peony (Paeonia sp.)
“YeDo” stands for “yellow double”, and this might be the best double yellow peony we have seen, with a higher petal count than ‘Bartzella’. With most ‘Duchesse de Lorraine’ examples on the market being propagated from tissue culture, we are confident our field grown divisions of ‘Sonoma YeDo’ will ultimately prove to be better quality if you are looking for an outstanding, solid yellow double peony. Like other Itoh peonies, these will have strong, sturdy stems that do not require support under the weight of the enormous flowers, which can approach 8 inches across on mature plants.
Super-sized, fully double, clear yellow flowers with red flares sometimes visible in the very centre
Upright, bushy growth habit
Sun; fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Ht. 90cm Sp. 90-100cm Zone 3

‘Standing Ovation’ Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
Little bluestem is the Perennial Plant Association’s Perennial Plant of the Year for 2022 and for good reason! This is an underused perennial ornamental grass with so many great attributes. It’s a native grass which means it is reliable over winter. It is well-behaved, and the blue-green foliage turns purple-red in late summer. It will also grow in poor, dry soil. What’s not to like? ‘Standing Ovation’ is considered the best performing variety for northern climates.
Upright clumps of blue-green foliage gradually change to purple-red through the summer
Purple-red flowers in late summer are followed by fluffy white seedheads
Sun; average to poor, well-drained soil; drought-tolerant once established
Ht. 90-120cm Sp. 45-60cm Zone 3

‘Back in Black’ Stonecrop (Sedum sp.)
The newest entry in the Rock ‘n Grow series of stonecrops, which are a collection of beautiful mound-forming succulents. As you might expect, this is a dark-leaved variety, with near-black foliage. The fall blooms are also bee magnets, at a time when they really need food to prepare for winter. An invaluable plant for hot, sunny, dry areas.
Upright clumps of succulent, near-black foliage
Clusters of dusky pink flowers in fall
- Sun; average, well-drained soil; drought-tolerant once established
Ht. 60cm Sp. 75cm Zone 3