New Roses for 2020
December 15, 2019
David Austin Roses
Throughout his plant breeding life, the late David Austin combined the beautiful flower forms and fragrance of Old World roses, with the wider colour range and repeat flowering ability of modern day roses we have come to enjoy.
His latest selections for 2020 include:

Dame Judi Dench
named after one of Britain’s most beloved stars of stage and screen, this selection sports red dipped buds which open to reveal flowers in a rich shade of apricot-orange with a light to medium fresh tea scent. Flowers are large (up to 4” across) with a high petal count.
very resistant to rain damage and exceptional disease resistance
plants have arching stems which over time form a large, attractive mound of blooms
4′ tall x 4′ wide

James L Austin
named for the son of David Austin Sr. and brother of David Austin Jr., this selection sports great beauty
large many petalled roseettes of deep pink blooms, each with a button eye and a medium fruity fragrance
bush upright habit with a neat and tidy mounded form
4′ tall x 3′ wide

Vanessa Bell
named for the sister of the popular writer, Virginia Wolf, this selection is a real gem
medium sized clusters of cupped pale yellow blooms edged in white and rich yellow central eye
fragrance can best be described as green tea with added lemon and honey
shrub form is bushy and upright
high disease resistance
4′ tall x 3′ wide

England's Rose
large clusters of deep glowing pink blooms produced almost continuously throughout the season
flowers have a strong spicy old rose fragrance
high disease resistance and totally rain resistant
4′ tall x 3′ wide
Hybrid Tea Roses
Of all the latest introductions of hybrid tea roses released into the marketplace, we have chosen the following as our top picks for 2020.

Burst of Joy -
a brand new selection with the most vivid and electric flowers of brilliant orange with a bright yellow reverse on each petal (similar to that of the variety ‘Ketchup and Mustard’)
long lasting pointed and spiralled flowers emit a mild tea fragrance and are produced at the top of a most vigorous, upright, bushy and uniform plant
rich glossy green foliage has excellent disease resistance
3′ tall x 3′ wide

Life's Little Pleasures -
Mini Floribunda
a very compact miniature floribunda rose that can best be described as a blooming machine!
Masses of lavender-magenta clusters of bloom are produced non-stop throughout the growing season
flowers are fully double with a fine fruity fragrance
strong stems hold flowers upright even during the worst of summer storms
glossy medium green foliage with high disease resistance
2.5′ tall x 3′ wide

Love at First Sight - Grandiflora
a most beautiful red and white bi-colour hybrid tea with improved qualities such as vigour, upright habit yet being compact
flower colour lasts right up until petals fall – no fading!
fragrance is mild and fruity
excellent variety for use as a cutflower, with its long, strong stems that support the fully petalled blooms well
glossy medium green foliage with excellent disease resistance
4′ tall x 3′ wide

Queen of Elegance - Grandiflora
destined to become the rose of choice for rose fanciers worldwide
this hybrid tea reminds us of one of the old fashioned English roses, with its very double and fully petalled large rich, media pink blooms which do not fade
it is the strong traditional old rose fragrance combined with the rich dark green, disease resistant foliage that will add a touch of royalty to your garden
fully double 3.5” to 4.5” flowers are held on strong stems, making this one ideal for cutting
4′ tall x 4′ wide

State of Grace -
a most attractive variety sporting old fashioned soft apricot blooms with a dark pink reverse on each petal
flowers are fully double, 3.5” – 4.5” across with a fruitful fragrance
very high disease resistant glossy, medium green foliage with a rounded habit that is tall yet not rangy
4.5-5′ tall x 3-4′ wide